Samsung GT E1200T Charging Problem Jumper Ways Solution

Samsung GT E1200T charging ways problem solution. This post provides a solution to the Samsung GT E1200T charging problem. So if this phone is having the charging issue then you can easily solve the problem by using the given diagram solution. You can check in the image given below.

So this problem in this phone can be due to many reasons. In this problem, the charging track could be faulty, the charging ic or any charging related component could be defective. So to solve this problem first you need to check for faulty charging connector. replace the charging connector if faulty.

If you find the charging connector to be fine, then check the charging components and replace them if they are faulty. If everything is correct then after that you check the charging line with a multimeter, put a jumper if the line is broken. You can easily solve this problem by finding out the picture we have given below.

These Are The Fixes. Before you begin the repair, please carefully review these diagrams.


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Note- Every solution published on our blog website has been tested by at least one member of our team. However, we do not accept any responsibility for any damage caused to your mobile phone. Do this repair at your own risk.

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